For more than 176 years, Carthaginians have taken the “Carthage light” that was ignited within them into their next endeavors, illuminating in their own way their corners of the world. We invite you to share your story!

What impact are you striving to have in your community?
What Carthaginians helped you along the way?

Complete the form to contribute your story to our Light that Travels campaign. Please note: Your story may be used on the Carthage College website and in other campaign materials.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required e-mail address field
required checkbox field
What is your connection to Carthage?*
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We'll make sure you're on our mailing list!
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If so, please tell us the organization(s) name, location, and your role.
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Please list any scholarships, honors, or awards you received while at Carthage or since graduation
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required file attachment field
For best results, photo should be at least 4-by-6 inches and 300 dpi.
(50 MB max)
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